What is loving kindness meditation?

August 1, 2021

Loving-kindness meditation today or “Metta” focuses on rings of compassion and wishing good things to a set of groups.

How it works

Say kind things to…

  • ⭐️ Yourself
  • ❤️ A loved one
  • ⚪️ A neutral party
  • ⚡️ Someone you find difficult
  • A larger community

You say the same phrase to each group

  • “May I be filled with peace and ease” (oneself)
  • “May you be filled with peace and ease” (loved one, neutral person, and difficult person)
  • “May all living things be filled with peace and ease” (community)

Take your time on each phrase until you can truly wish it each group.


If you are going through a very tough time,don’t select your arch-nemisis on your first try. Rather get comfortable with the phrases and format and work your way towards that person over time and when you are ready.

Kind Cloud was built to be your loving-kindness rosary. Keeping track of each rung and phrase for you. We hope it is a good introduction to loving-kindness for you.

We’d love to hear from you and your experience with Loving-kindness meditation! Send Kind Cloud a message at kindcloudapp@gmail.com.

Learn more about the history of Loving-kindness on Wikipedia.

May you be filled with loving-kindness. ❤️🌈

—Kind Cloud
